Everyone that pledges even a dollar gets their name on the sculpture. This is a new option that I am adding to the backer rewards.
If you would like to have a business name, website, or loved one's name that's fine too. Once the fund raising campaign is finished I will contact you to get your info.
Even if the project is not fully funded (in which case you get your money back and I get nothing) you will still get your preferred name on FACE ME. That's because I want everyone that is cheering me on to be recognized.
The sculpture FACE ME is on track to be finished and exhibited at ArtPrize whether the Kickstarter Campaign is successful or not so be assured that you will get to see the sculpture live at ArtPrize this year!!
So far this is a list of names that are supporting FACE ME:
Paula Bjorlie, Cheri Antozak, Prairieside.com, Bernadette Veenstra, Laura Harmon, Nicole G., Joan Raveling, Sherri Jason, Crawford Paul, Bridgecourt.com, Pearson Photography, A Children's Crusade, Nathan Donahue, Joshua Evans, Paul Evans, Julie Evans, Melching Demolition; Doug, Nick, Brock, Chris, Keller Ford; Drew, Jack's Service, Northend Transmission; Dave Sherd, Doug Dixon, Harrison Veenstra, Evelyn Townsend, Maggie Donahue, and tons of people who "Like" FACE ME on Facebook.
Anybody missed? Let me know right away! Want to help? Please comment on ~ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/annadonahue/face-me-artbeing-kinetic-sculpture-touch-to-begin/